My Healthy Body, LLC

Scottsdale Personal Training

Personal Fitness Trainer in Scottsdale, AZ

Personal Training Scottsdale

About Personal Training

Do you often feel like your workouts aren’t producing the visible results you crave? At My Healthy Body in Scottsdale, Arizona, our team partners with Coaches Brett and Sam to ensure that your workouts yield noticeable results that align with your specific fitness goals. My Healthy Body offers a state-of-the-art 3D body scanner with detailed and accurate results that will show you your progress in inches lost, fat loss, BMI, and muscle gain. Call My Healthy Body today to schedule an appointment to learn more about the benefits of personal training, coaching, and nutrition education

Personal Training Q&A

What is personal training?

Personal training is an individualized program that includes one-on-one fitness sessions with certified professionals and exercise coaches. This personalized approach to fitness tailors your exercise regimen to your personal fitness objectives.

By addressing your unique needs, the personal trainers at My Healthy Body provide guidance on proper techniques, maximizing the effectiveness of each session. This focused attention enhances accountability and ensures workouts align with your personal goals.

What is the difference between personal training and coaching?

Personal training consists of one-on-one sessions  with a trainer in attendance.  Coaching is ideal for people who want to work out on their own, at their own time, after their coach has developed their program.  Their coach will do weekly check-ins and progress discussions to ensure everything is on track, progressing and all their questions are answered.

Why should I consider personal training if I already exercise?

Personal training offers many benefits for people of all ages and fitness levels, including:

Guidance tailored to you

Benefit from personalized advice aligned with your unique fitness goals and needs.

Fine-tuned workouts

Personal trainers adjust your routine for effectiveness, considering your preferences and physical capabilities.

Better techniques 

Get tips on proper techniques for safer and more efficient exercises that can reduce your risk of injury and optimize benefits.

Motivation boost

Overcome plateaus and stay motivated with personalized encouragement and support.

Address your weaknesses

Personal training helps you identify and work on specific weaknesses or areas for improvement.

What are the initial steps of personal training?

My Healthy Body’s comprehensive approach to personal training includes:

Step 1: Consultation

This one-on-one meeting includes discussing your fitness history, health status, and specific goals. This is an opportunity for you to express your expectations and for the trainer to gather essential information.

Step 2: Goal setting

Collaboratively establish realistic and achievable short-term and long-term fitness goals with your trainer. This step helps create a roadmap for your training program.

Step 3: Health assessment 

Your trainer may conduct a health assessment, which can include measurements, body composition analysis, and any necessary health screenings to better understand your starting point. 

My Healthy Body uses the Styku 3-D body scanner to take these measurements in seconds.

Step 4: Fitness evaluation

Assessments of your current fitness level, including strength, flexibility, cardiovascular fitness, and other relevant factors, provide a baseline for designing a personalized workout plan.

Step 5: Program design

Based on the information gathered, the personal trainer designs a customized exercise program that aligns with your goals.

Step 6: First workout session or coaching session

The initial training session may include a workout to familiarize you with the routine, gauge your fitness level, and make any necessary adjustments to the plan.

Call My Healthy Body to learn more or schedule an appointment today.